Cosmetic Dentistry Geelong

Do You Need Dental Veneers?

There’s more to cosmetic dentistry than just aesthetics; we can also adjust your teeth to improve functionality, helping you to chew and talk more easily, and improving your bite. Our team in My Dentist @ Highton work closely with our patients to understand their goals, so we can put together a personalised treatment plan that includes the most effective processes within cosmetic dentistry. This could include fitting Invisalign braces to discreetly straighten the teeth, and in-chair whitening or porcelain veneers to achieve that coveted “Hollywood smile” look that’s naturally beautiful.

Dental veneers are becoming more popular than ever before for improving the look of the front surface of your teeth, as they are durable, resistant to stains, and possess natural shades and translucency.

Dental Veneers are perfect for teeth that are heavily discoloured, irregular in size, shape or length, chipped, or broken. They can also be a great protection for weak or fractured teeth. We offer composite veneers and porcelain veneers. We make sure that the materials we use are of the highest quality available for both porcelain and composite veneers.

As a dental treatment, Veneers are used for a range of cosmetic reasons:

  • To disguise a chipped or broken tooth
  • To act as protection for weak, cracked or fractured teeth
  • To improve the appearance of discoloured teeth
  • To close small gaps in teeth
  • To help strengthen teeth that have undergone root canal surgery

My Dentist @ Highton can help you with both Composite Veneers or Porcelain Veneers. 

Book a full dental checkup today and we can assess your suitability for veneers and check the health of your teeth and gums.



9/36 Province Blvd, Highton VIC 3216

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